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Housekeeeping on mobile app
Nataša Lakić avatar
Written by Nataša Lakić
Updated over 4 months ago

Rentlio housekeeping system enables you on the property level to assign each room its own cleaning or maintenance status.

Cleaning status

Cleaning status is not linked to a certain date but shows the current unit status. They are added to the unit on the calendar. By clicking on the unit, a pop-up is opened that enables you to change the status. Statuses that you can use are:

  • clean

  • dirty

  • for inspection

  • cleaning

  • DND

Cleaning status is automatically switched to dirty every night if the room is occupied, i.e. if there is a reservation in the room, which would mean that the clean and dirty statuses are default, and the others are optional.

Maintenance status

  • OOS - Out of Service

  • OOO - Out of Order

  • OOI - Out of Inventory

OOS - Out of Service

  • it is used for smaller malfunctions. Out of Service rooms do not deduct from inventory, which means the room will still show in the statistics as a valid room to be sold. Out Of Service does not take this unit out of the availability.

OOO - Out of Order

  • is typically used for bigger malfunctions and indicate the rooms in not for use in a certain period of time. Out of Order rooms are not available for sale and o longer figure into availability statistics. Also, a reservation can not be dragged and dropped to a unit with this status.

Maintenance status is linked to a certain time period and do not allow assigning reservations to rooms with OOO available.

If you add a reason to a maintenance status, it will be visible on the calendar instead of the status name itself.

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