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Check out how to correctly issue documents, from the initial offer to the receipt via the guest or company reservation folio.

Katarina Frljužec avatar
Written by Katarina Frljužec
Updated over 5 months ago


The offer is an informational document that serves as the first contact between a potential guest and the property. The offer has no legal weight—it is not fiscalized, does not contain a payment method, and is not recorded in the accounts.

If the guest declines the offer, there are no financial consequences for the property.

To obtain the document in PDF format, click "Download PDF" in the offers section of the interface. The offer differs from a pro forma invoice, which is similar but is issued solely based on an existing reservation.

If the guest accepts the offer and makes a payment, it is necessary to confirm the offer so that it becomes an active reservation (booking). After confirmation, clicking on "View Booking" will take you to the active reservation. The received payment is then recorded in the reservation, and a prepayment receipt is issued to officially document the payment for the guest.

Pro forma invoice

A pro forma invoice is a document issued when a potential guest wants to make an advance payment. The pro forma invoice is similar to the offer but carries more weight as it represents a commitment to pay. Although it is not fiscalized or recorded, many guests or companies request a pro forma invoice as confirmation before payment.

The pro forma invoice is issued through the folio of the active reservation. After it is issued, the pro forma invoice can be sent to the guest. When the payment arrives, you enter the payment in the folio for the same amount. The interface will automatically guide you through the process of issuing the prepayment receipt based on that pro forma invoice.

Prepayment Receipt

The prepayment receipt is issued after we have received funds in advance for services that are yet to be provided. This receipt is issued once we receive payment from the guest in response to sent offers, proforma invoices, or prepayment invoices.

Example: In a reservation, where we created a proforma invoice stating that a certain percentage of the total amount is required for confirming the reservation. We sent this proforma invoice to the guest, who then made the requested payment.

After receiving the payment, we enter the charge within the folio. We input the amount as a transactional payment, and the system guides us to issue the prepayment receipt.

Once we issue this receipt, the folio charge is reduced by the amount of the payment, and the remaining amount to be collected upon the guest’s arrival will be visible on the receipt that will close this folio.

Prepayment invoice

The prepayment invoice is a document similar to the prepayment receipt, but unlike it, it awaits payment and is marked as paid only after the payment is received. The prepayment invoice is used when we expect a payment from a guest or company for a service that is yet to be provided. Like other invoices, the prepayment invoice follows a numbering system, and since payment is expected in the future, it does not contain an entry date.

Example: If you want to issue a prepayment invoice for part of the total amount of the reservation, you can choose the desired percentage or nominal amount. Upon issuing the prepayment invoice, the folio balance remains the same as the payment has not yet been received. The invoice will be visible in the system, and when the guest pays the amount, you mark it as paid and add the payment date.

When issuing the receipt and closing the folio, the recorded paid prepayment invoice will be clearly displayed on the receipt.

Receipt preview

The receipt preview is used to present the current costs to the guest before payment and the issuance of the receipt. The receipt preview has no legal weight, is not numbered, and is not fiscalized; it serves exclusively for informational purposes.

Example of use: When the guest is at the property, we can present them with an overview of all the services they have used so far, as well as previous payments. For instance, if the guest has an issued prepayment receipt and the remaining balance is a specific amount, opening the receipt overview allows us to clearly display all consumed services and previous payments. This overview can be printed and handed to the guest for approval.

Once the guest reviews and approves the costs, we enter the payment and issue the receipt, thereby closing the folio.


The receipt is the concluding document that is issued only when all costs on the guest's or company's folio have been settled, i.e., when the folio balance is zero.

Example: On the folio of a reservation, we see the total cost and all items that have been charged to the guest so far, including the amount of the prepayment that has already been paid. When the guest at the reception wants to settle the remaining costs, we enter the payment for the full remaining amount, selecting the payment method and the interface then guides us to issue the receipt.

The receipt displays all consumed services and previously processed payments, along with the payment methods. The invoice is fiscalized (unless it is a transactional payment) and then issued.

Once the receipt is issued, it is visible in the documents alongside the previous prepayment receipt, and the folio balance is reduced to zero. The folio is closed, and no further changes can be made since the invoice is finalized. If necessary, the receipt can be cancelled, which will reopen the folio, cancel prepayment receipts and invoices and allow for additional modifications.


The invoice is a document very similar to the receipt, with the distinction that the invoice is issued before the expected payment, while the receipt is issued after the payment has already been made. Therefore, it is possible to issue an invoice even if the guest or company has not previously made any payments.

By payment method, the invoice is automatically transactional, there is no option to choose a payment method.

Example: For a reservation under a company name, we can see the total amount of the reservation, as well as all previous payments, such as the prepayment receipt. The company's employee can ask the reception to send an invoice to the company for later payment and the invoice will display all relevant costs, previously processed payments, and the amount we are still expecting.

When the company makes a payment, we mark the invoice as paid on the date of payment. This reduces the folio balance to zero, closes the folio, and settles all costs related to the reservation.

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