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Updating guest details manually

Learn how to manually enter guest data.

Josipa Ćurić avatar
Written by Josipa Ćurić
Updated over 4 months ago

When it comes to updating your guest details, scanning the documents using a smartphone is by far the quickest method. However, those who prefer to enter information by hand can follow simple steps outlined in this article.

There are several ways to enter guest details manually to Rentlio. We advise to edit each reservation through the Calendar. This will provide you with clear insight into the reservation details, including the guests' personal data, thus minimizing chances of potential mistakes.

Open the Calendar and select a reservation, then select Update and open the Guest Details tab. Open each guest and insert their personal information. When finished, don’t forget to save your changes for a successful update.

You can also gain access to guest details from the Dashboard or the Reservations tab. Input fields of each selected reservation will appear. You will then enter personal data in the same way as explained above.

In addition, you can also scan guest document for a faster check in and registration using the integrated camera on your computer:

eVisitor registration

By clicking on the eVisitor icon in the main vertical menu, you will automatically be shown a list of guests who need to be registered (arriving today).

A red dot in the Ready column means that the mandatory login information is missing. By positioning the mouse over the dot, a list of missing data will be displayed and you can enter them immediately by clicking on the guest's name. When the data is filled or scanned status will change to green dot.

A green dot (Ready status) next to the guest means that they are ready for registration. It is necessary to register guests manually with an additional click in order to complete the registration and thus send it to eVisitor.

Clicking on the name and selecting the blue Register button, registration will be completed. You can also click on the three dots on the right side and choose either to Register (airplane icon) or Edit guest data (pencil icon).

If all the guests on the list are ready and have a green dot in the Ready status, you can register them all with one click on the blue button at the top - Register all ready .

When you register a guest, by clicking on the Active tab you can see a list of guests who are registered on eVisitor and currently staying in your property. After they check out, you can find them in History

​Note: The Rentlio eVisitor Pending guest list is initially filtered to show unregistered guests whose arrival date is equal to today's or yesterday's date. You can change the period or date by adding the filter.

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