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Promo codes

How to create and activate a promo code for Rentlio Booking Engine

Nataša Lakić avatar
Written by Nataša Lakić
Updated over a month ago

With the help of promo codes, it is possible to create and activate discounts, which the guest applies in the field provided when making a reservation, thereby obtaining an additional discount on the amount of the reservation.

Create your own promo codes, choose the period within they can be applied, as well as the period of stay, rate plans and unit types to which they apply and can be used.

To start, create your own promo code by selecting the Promotions tab and clicking on the +Create new promo code, apply internal promo code name and label:

Within the field When can guest book, enter the period within which the discount can be applied, and within the field When can guest stay — the period for which the discount is valid:

Set the discount in percentage or nominal value. You can limit a number of promo codes, and you need to select rate plan(s) and unit type(s) you wish to apply this promo code to. Save the created promotional code by clicking on the button at the bottom.

On the list of promo codes, activate, deactivate or update promo code if necessary:

The guest will see the field Have a discount code on the top of the page, where they type the Promo code you shared with them:

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