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FURS - Fiscalization settings
Nataša Lakić avatar
Written by Nataša Lakić
Updated over 4 months ago

You can access fiscalization settings under Integrations -> Fiscalization.

Tick Yes next to 'Property uses fiscalization' and select the fiscal country as Slovenia.

The new set of settings will open up and enable you to fill in the details necessary for fiscalization of your invoices. Once this is all set up, you will be able to fiscalize your invoices immediately when you issue them.

The Numeration Type, Cash register, Operators and Business space are defined by your Internal Act, which is stored in your accounting. For this reason, please consult your accountant when completing this information.

It is crucial that information on your Internal Act matches the one in Rentlio fiscalization setup, and this information will be the base for creating your Invoices.

FURS certificate

In addition to filling out the before mentioned fields and to activate fiscalization in Rentlio, you must also upload the fiscal certificate you received from FURS.

The FURS fiscal certificate is a .p12 file stored on your computer.

Instructions from FURS for downloading the certificate can be found HERE.

Before uploading the fiscal certificate, you need to enter the fiscal password that you received in the PDF instructions from FURS when downloading the certificate.

After uploading the fiscal certificate, click on 'Test connection to FURS' to check if you are successfully connected to FURS.

If everything is correct, when issuing the next invoice, you will have the option to fiscalize it.

Numbering Settings:

Numbering and sequence of invoices should be set according to the instructions in your internal act.

We will first explain what these labels mean and how to set them up, using this example invoice label: REC1-CASH2-1234 (Bussines space – Cash register – invoice number)

A) REC1 = the first part of the numbering is the Bussines space code. It is stated in your internal act. If you have multiple bussines spaces, you will have multiple codes.


When the fiscalization settings window opens click on +Add Bussines Space at the bottom;

A new window will open where you will fill in the information from your internal act:

B) CASH2 = the second part of the numbering is the cash register code. It is also defined by your internal act.


The cash register code you can set aldo in the Fiscalization Settings, here:

Note: The numeration type can be defined by the cash register or by the bussines space. Depending on what is stated in your internal act, you will select the correct numeration type.

C) 1234 = the third part of the numbering indicates the invoice sequence. Your invoices are issued in order 1, 2, 3, 4... etc. If you've already issued 20 invoices this year and then started using Rentlio and want to continue the sequence, you would enter 21 in the invoice settings, meaning that the next invoice will be the 21st issued.

Here’s where you set it: Settings > General > Invoices > Settings

Initial Invoice Number:

If you have not issued any invoices this year and the first invoice will be issued through Rentlio, then you will enter 1 in this field. The first issued invoice will then be REC1-CASH2-1, and the following ones will be REC1-CASH2-2, REC1-CASH2-3, REC1-CASH2-4, etc.

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