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Online check-in - mobile app
Online check-in - mobile app

Learn how to send online check-in link via email/SMS/Whatsapp on Rentlio mobile app

Katarina Frljužec avatar
Napisao/la Katarina Frljužec
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Through the mobile app, it is possible to copy the link for online check-in or directly send the online check-in form via WhatsApp or SMS.

An additional option is to send an SMS and a WhatsApp message template that includes an online check-in link. More information on how to create message templates can be found here.

Options for copying the link and sending the link directly are available on the reservation itself:

Under online check-in, you have the option of copying the link or sending it directly to the e-mail address:

Or sending the link via SMS or WhatsApp if you have the guest's phone number saved in the reservation:

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